Tag Archives: Animals

Go Bears! F***king Hot Wearable Cal Satire

Our pal “King Tut” turned us on to this fun and funny t-shirt designed and manufactured locally the old fashioned way: hand-drawn and screen-printed in the artist’s studio. In fact, he gave us the shirt off his back! What a good boy. Artist Auvrey makes these and others and hangs out in San Francisco’s Castro Gayborhood. This one takes off on the UC Berkeley “Cal” mascot. Got the colors down, too. We like it…even though we are Stanford Dads. Hah! Go Bears!

We should post our fuckin’ Pigs – said The Texan.

…and so I did. Good morning, baby. Get it up and smell the bacon! (Squeal like a pig…)

Rise Up! The REAL 99%…

The real 99% isn’t even human. Think there’s an evil elite and everybody else is innocent victim-pie? That’s not even cute on Saturday morning cartoons. We are all complicit. Everything eats and is eaten. Bert sez: Food is the first thing mortals follow on. And that’s where it begins…

Photo Gay Highwaymen from a poster seen on Market Street in San Francisco