A Quiet Revolution at Oxford with Fluxus Pioneer Yoko Ono

Fluxus Pioneer Yoko Ono talks about god, chaos theory and quantum entanglement – without ever using those words.

An excerpt: “So now I call ourselves the small pebble people. Send small pebbles to the world. Don’t make big splashes with large stones. That will attract people and the wrong people as well. Our quiet revolution will not make announcements, but one day will be accepted by all people as the norm of life. The human race has done that with many things. Like we wanted to fly, and invented aeroplanes. We wanted to see the other side of the moon, and we have. This time, we want to heal our planet, and bring peace to this world. We can do that.”

The full text of her speech, A Quiet Revolution, delivered on March 10th at Oxford University, can be read here.

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